Raquel Vieira is our regular client, also we made exciting colaboration with her Lacoste Project.




Raquel, can you introduce yourself?


80’s baby, borned and raised in Porto, Portugal. I have been living in Barcelona since 2009 and I work in the Communication Department of Lacoste Ibérica. Mmm, what else can I tell you... that I am currently on a very beautiful moment of my life! 

What is your favorite product from Funky Bakers?


The almond croissant! Boom.


Where would you like to eat your fav product?


The wonderful living room of my new home.


What makes Born a beautiful neighbourhood according to you?


I love walking through its labyrinthine streets and I love the great cultural diversity you can find in the neighbourhood.


What book are you reading now?


'Letting Go, the pathway of Surrender'  by David R. Hawkins.


What song have you been listening to all week?


Montero (Call Me By Your Name) by Lil Nas.


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